We need your help!

We need volunteers to help empower students.

We need experts, professionals, students, parents and access to resources!

Let’s help build confidence and courage to speak up!

Professionals and Experts

We are looking for experts to educate and advocate for students, including:

  1. Legal and advocacy groups
  2. Coaches and school counselors
  3. Marketing and public relations
  4. Educators and administrators


We need student volunteers to join us and assist in educating and advocating for the well being of their peers. Help us:

  1. Educate adults on school issues
  2. Write articles and op-eds
  3. Manage our social media
  4. Advocate for students at school
  5. Lead Let’s Speak Up efforts at school

Anyone Who Cares!

We need volunteers to help in supporting with various activities. Help us:

  1. Support administrative activities
  2. Organize events
  3. Review and manage complaints
  4. Liaison with school districts
  5. Research similar incidents